Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative Agriculture practices help us fight the climate crisis by pulling carbon from the atmosphere and sequestering it in the ground.

Regenerative Agriculture 
A conservation and rehabilitation approach to food and farming systems

Regenerative AgricultureRegenerative Agriculture focuses on topsoil regeneration, increasing biodiversity, improving the water cycle, enhancing ecosystem services, supporting biosequestration, increasing resilience to climate change, and strengthening the health and vitality of farm soil. Practices include recycling as much farm waste as possible and adding composted material from sources outside the farm.



Regenerative AgricultureThe use of Regenerative agriculture on small farms and gardens is often based on philosophies like permaculture, agro-ecology, agro-forestry, restoration ecology, keyline design, and holistic management. Large farms tend to be less philosophy driven and often use "no-till" and/or "reduced till" practices. As soil health improves, input requirements may decrease, and crop yields may increase as soils are more resilient against extreme weather and harbor fewer pests and pathogens.

Learn more about Regenerative Agriculture practices

Kiss the Ground
The Kiss the Ground Impact Fund supports farmers, ranchers, and land stewards from around the globe in their transition to Regenerative practices that heal the soil, revive ecosystems, increase farmer wellbeing, and help balance the climate.
Visit the organization website

Kiss the Ground - Official Movie Trailer


Listen to Robert J Strock speak with Gabe Brown, a pioneer in the soil health movement and participant in the film Kiss the Ground, on The Missing Conversation Podcast. Access the episode, here.

The Biggest Little Farm
Apricot Lane Farms is a farm integrated within a reawakened ecosystem. The farm  regeneratively grows more than 200 varieties of fruits and vegetables, and raise sheep, cows, pigs, chickens and ducks, while working in harmony (or a comfortable level of disharmony) within our dynamic ecosystem. The farm is certified organic, biodynamic and regenerative organic (ROC).
Visit the farm website

The Biggest Litle Farm - Official Movie Trailer


A joyful film about connecting to the land and the community, using the symbiotic relationships of animals and their natural functions, they produce high quality, nutrient-dense products.

Polyfaces - Offical Movie Trailer