Mediators Foundation

Our Mission is to foster leadership for a peaceful, just and sustainable world by identifying, supporting and connecting visionary leaders who build bridges across the great social, political and cultural divides of our time. 

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The overarching purpose of Mediators Foundation is to prevent and reduce conflicts and promote collaboration. The Foundation develops and promotes proven methods for increasing the human capacity for peaceful, creative problem-solving in ways that motivate participants to become more aware and engaged citizens. In addition, the Foundation provides fiscal sponsorship to organizations and project that reflect and enhance our mission.    

We are currently engaged in a wide range of projects including:

  • Catalyzing and securing initial funding for a now-independent network of 72 initiatives that is rapidly becoming the backbone organization for bridging the partisan divide

  • Laying the groundwork for a potentially historic national “unconvention” in a major American city that would celebrate Americans who are connecting rather than dividing our country

  • Joining with other organizations to focus on Colorado as a forerunner state that can move beyond partisanship and showcase real problem-solving

  • Providing a fiscal home for a transpartisan breakthrough environmental initiative to protect public lands and monuments

  • Initiating, designing and ultimately facilitating the first major gathering of national funders from Left, Right and Center to explore integrative rather than polarizing funding strategies

  • Helping to sustain a remarkable project that brings together politically diverse neighbors in living rooms across the country to bridge the divides in their own community

  • To connect the undocumented population in Boulder County, Colorado with resources of the wider community to provide the kinds of support that are currently not available.

But our current projects are only the latest generation of activity. We have three decades of remarkable service behind us.


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