Hope for Africa

Hope for AfricaWelcome to Hope for Africa

Hope for Africa, Inc. is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The organization has been actively engaged in sustainable development work on the African continent since 1996. We believe that the key to Africa’s growth and development hinges on the creation of a leadership team composed of Diaspora Africans (descendants of the Transatlantic Slave Trade), expatriate Africans (African born migrants living abroad), and Africans living on the continent. This leadership team must craft a vision for a positive African future working collaboratively with other people, organizations and nations that are genuinely concerned about the interests of African people.


Mission and History

Hope for Africa, Inc. (HFA) is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. The Hope for Africa concept started in 1995 with a core group of African-American educators and business people. The founding meeting took place in Atlanta, Georgia in May of 1995 inspired by one of the founders returning from the Third African-African-American Summit in Dakar, Senegal. The organization has received its 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt status from the U. S. A. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) (Click link to see IRS letter). It has been also been designated as an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (Click link to see NGO designation letter). Our goal is to create replicable models for sustainable development on the African continent. This goal is carried out through our International Center for African Development (ICAD). The ICAD operations office in Porto Novo, Benin was chosen for symbolic and practical reason. By locating ICAD in an Africa nation, we work with and listen to indigenous people as they can best tell us their needs. We then address identified needs through ICAD with resources garnered from the U. S. A. and other parts of the world.

HFA has a Northeast Regional Office in Newton, Massachusetts with Africa offices in Porto Novo Benin and Accra, Ghana. The Atlanta Headquarters and the Northeast Regional Office provide administrative, operational and planning support for the organization.



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