You can make a difference
Global Bridge is a tax exempt organization under IRS 501(c)(3). We accept donations for general use in furthering its Mission or for gifts directed toward active projects. We sometimes do matching grant fundraising. Most recently this was done with the Malibu Soccer Tournament where more than $3,000 was raised. Global Bridge will match this amount and use it in collaboration with International Medical Corps, an organization we have supported in the past.
Wherever possible, contributions coming through Global Bridge and directed to an outside project have the benefit of our collaboration, business skills and efforts to maximize the benefit of the donation.
Our Program Related Investments allow our philanthropic resources to be leveraged by creating the opportunity to have the funds repaid to Global Bridge where they can be reused for other projects and more benefit.
In addition to our general fund, the following programs are active projects and collaborations where funds could be directed. Please click on the links below to get more specific information.